Electrical safety practices for solar installations

Electrical safety practices for solar installations

-Solar energy continues to gain ground every year as the energy source of choice for economically powering homes and businesses. While we are all getting more interested in solar energy, we must not lose sight of the fact that solar energy still generates electricity. It may be

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California leads the nation in solar power

California leads the nation in solar power

San Luis Obispo County’s solar power installation company, Electricraft, Inc., stays up to date on the latest advances in solar power and recent news about the state of the industry. “Staying on top of the latest developments is part of our commitment to quality service,” said the

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Reducing farming costs with solar powered irrigation

Reducing farming costs with solar powered irrigation

Preserving California’s water supply and cutting energy costs are critical components of agricultural profits. Installing solar for San Luis Obispo County and statewide agricultural operations is a growing strategy for efficient agricultural operations, including irrigation. California produces over a third of the vegetables and two-thirds of the

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Infrared electrical inspections are easy on the budget

Infrared electrical inspections are easy on the budget

If it’s true that a picture is worth a thousand words then it’s a high probability that a picture can be worth a comparative amount of dollars. While not exactly a “picture” like a photograph or a painting, infrared (IR) electrical inspections do produce thermographic images that

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Brighten up your backyard with solar lighting

Brighten up your backyard with solar lighting

Lights in the garden after dark, along walkways, and brightening up an entryway certainly add a level of beauty to a landscape, but lighting up the landscape at night is also an important safety feature. Electricraft, Inc., the San Luis Obispo solar installation company, knows that lighting

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The future of solar power in San Luis Obispo County

The Solar Energy Industries Association reports that in 2016, solar energy companies “installed 39-percent of all new electric generating capacity, topping all other technologies for the first time.” The growth of solar power in San Luis Obispo County is just as significant. In June of 2016, the

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